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Home > News > PhD defense > Ph.D. Thesis 2017

March 29, 2017, thesis defense of Nathanaël GUILLAUD - 14h00, Amphithéâtre K118, LEGI, site Bergès

Simulation et optimisation de forme d’hydroliennes à flux transverse

Cette thèse a été réalisée en collaboration avec la société HydroQuest dans le cadre du FUI HydroFluv.

- M. Éric Goncalvès, Professeur à l’ENSMA, Poitiers - Futuroscope (Précédemment au LEGI)
- M. Guillaume Balarac, Maître de conférence de Grenoble-INP, LEGI


Within the renewable electricity production framework, this study aims to contribute to the improvement of the efficiency of the Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbines designed by HydroQuest. To achieve this objective, two approaches are used. The first aims to better understand the fluid flow through the turbine and the associate efficiency by numerical means. The influence of the tip speed ratio and of the turbine soldity are investigated. 3D Large Eddy Simulations are performed to accurately reproduce the complex flow through the turbine. The dynamic stall phenomenon which could occur in Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbines is also studied in an oscillating blade configuration.

The second approach consists in the numerical optimization of the turbine channeling device. To perform the high number of simulations required, a 2D Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes approach is used.