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Home > News > Seminar > Seminar 2018

Mercredi 21 novembre 2018 à 11h00 en amphi K118

Lionel Vincent

Titre/Title : Diving wedges: impact force and splash shapes (Impact d’objects en forme de V sur une surface liquide)

Contact : Achim Wirth (Direction LEGI)

Résumé/Abstract : Diving induces large pressures during water entry, accompanied by the creation of cavity and water splash. We investigate the impact forces and splash evolution of diving wedges as a function of the wedge opening angle. We observe a gradual transition from smooth to impactful, injury-prone entry as the wedge angle decreases. We characterize the shapes of the cavity and splash created by the wedge and find that they are independent of the entry velocity at short times, but that the splash exhibits distinct variations in shape at later times. Combining experimental approach and a discrete fluid particles model, we show that the splash shape results from the interplay between a destabilizing aerodynamic suction force. These findings may have implications in a wide range of water entry problems, with application ranging from naval engineering to platform diving.