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Award for the most beautiful image at the MARID VII conference

Antoine Mathieu, former LEGI PhD student and now post-doc in the USA with Tom Hsu (Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware) won the picture prize at the MARID VII conference held in Rennes in April 2023 (Marine and River Dune Dynamics). This work has been done in collaboration with Cyrille Bonamy and Julien Chauchat at LEGI.

Copyright 2023 - Antoine Mathieu

Numerical simulations can help studying bedform formation and growth in the coastal and fluvial environments. In addition to experiments and field observations, they provide detailed high-resolution concentration and velocity data to investigate the role played by the water turbulence on ripple initiation and growth. This picture, taken from a turbulence-resolving simulation using the Eulerian two phase flow model sedFoam, shows turbulent coherent structures over an evolving rippled bed.

For information, this image is obtained with sedFoam and has been formatted with Blender software. Both are free software.