Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Home > Teams > EDT team: Two-Phase flows and turbulences > Research activities > Structure and dynamics of turbulence and wave turbulence

Structure of fully developed turbulence

- A specificity of the EDT team is the Lagrangian approach of turbulence that consists in tracking individual fluid particles along their trajectories to extract a stochastic of statistical modeling of the properties of transport, mixing and intermittency of turbulence in the inertial regime. This activity started by tracking single particles by an ultrasonic Doppler technique and goes on presently by studying the transport of inertial particles. Using an ultrafast imaging measurement, the properties of droplet preferential concentration are characterized by advanced statistical analysis such as Moroni tessellation.

- We also perform numerical simulations of grid turbulence to study the process of turbulence development by instability of the wake downstream the grid (coll. Univ. Newcastle, Australie). The team is also involved in the european project ESWIRP during which grid turbulence measurement have been performed in the S1 Onera wind tunnel in Modane to characterize the dissipative scales of turbulence.

- We have also sustained collaborations with CERN and CEA to develop ryogenic experiments (the most recent being SHREK) to study turbulence at very high Reynolds number and superflue turbulence. These research topics are integrated in the EuHIT network (European High-performance Infrastructures in Turbulence) in which the team is in charge of the Work Package Particles & Fields that federates 4 european research groups specialists of the Lagrangian approach.

Visual representation of a turbulent flow seeded with many tracers

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Helium filled soap bubbles as Lagrangian tracers in a turbulent jet