Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Publications 2016


Augier, P., Bonamy, C., Campagne, A., & Mohanan, A. V. (2016). FluidImage, a libre framework for scientific treatments of large sets of images.
Chauchat, J., Cheng, Z., & Hsu, T. - J. (2016). Intercomparison of granular stress and turbulence models for unidirectional sheet flow applications.
Cheng, Z., Hsu, T. - J., Chauchat, J., & Revil-Baudard, T. (2016). Studying Sediment Transport in Oscillatory Sheet Flow by using a Large Eddy Simulation Eulerian Two-phase Model.
Cheng, Z., Yu, X., Hsu, T. - J., Calantoni, J., & Chauchat, J. (2016). On modeling heterogeneous coastal sediment transport – A numerical study using multiphase Eulerian and Euler-Lagrangian approaches.

Currently in Preparation or Submitted

Venaille, A., Gostiaux, L., & Sommeria, J. (2016). A statistical mechanics approach to mixing in stratified fluids.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Arduini, G., Staquet, C., & Chemel, C. (2016). Interactions Between the Nighttime Valley-Wind System and a Developing Cold-Air Pool. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 161(1), 49–72.
Caudwell, T., Flór, J. - B., & Negretti, M. - E. (2016). Convection at an isothermal wall in an enclosure and establishment of stratification. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (799), 448–475.
Chemel, C., Arduini, G., Staquet, C., Largeron, Y., Legain, D., Tzanos, D., et al. (2016). Valley heat deficit as a bulk measure of wintertime particulate air pollution in the Arve River Valley. Atmospheric Environment, 128, 208–215.
Largeron, Y., & Staquet, C. (2016). Persistent inversion dynamics and wintertime PM10 air pollution in Alpine valleys. Atmospheric Environment, 135, 92–108.
Largeron, Y., & Staquet, C. (2016). The Atmospheric Boundary Layer during Wintertime Persistent Inversions in the Grenoble Valleys. Frontiers in Earth Science, 4.
Leclercq, C. B., Partridge, J. R., Augier, P., Dalziel, S. R., & Kerswell, R. R. (2016). Using stratification to mitigate end effects in quasi-Keplerian Taylor-Couette flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 791, 608–630.
Maurin, R., Chauchat, J., & Frey, P. (2016). Dense granular flow rheology in turbulent bedload transport. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 804, 490–512.
Moulin, A., & Wirth, A. (2016). Momentum Transfer Between an Atmospheric and an Oceanic Layer at the Synoptic and the Mesoscale: An Idealized Numerical Study. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 160(3), 551–568.
Paci, A., Staquet, C., Allard, J., Barral, H., Canut, G., Cohard, J. - M., et al. (2016). La campagne Passy-2015 : dynamique atmosphérique et qualité de l’air dans la vallée de l’Arve. Pollution Atmosphérique : climat, santé, société, .
Revil-Baudard, T., Chauchat, J., Hurther, D., & Eiff, O. (2016). Turbulence modifications induced by the bed mobility in intense sediment-laden flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 808, 469–484.
Van Der Zanden, J., Van Der A, D. A., Hurther, D., Cáceres, I., O’donoghue, T., & Ribberink, J. S. (2016). Near-bed hydrodynamics and turbulence below a large-scale plunging breaking wave over a mobile barred bed profile. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 121(8), 6482–6506.
Wendling, V., Legout, C., Gratiot, N., Michallet, H., & Grangeon, T. (2016). Dynamics of soil aggregate size in turbulent flow: Respective effect of soil type and suspended concentration. Catena, 141, 66–72.

Conference Proceedings

Campagne, A., Alfredsson, H., Chassagne, R., Micard, D., Mordant, N., Segalini, A., et al. (2016). First report of the MILESTONE experiment: strongly stratified turbulence and mixing efficiency in the Coriolis platform. In VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows (ISSF). San Diego, United States.
Cheng, Z., Hsu, T. - J., Revil-Baudard, T., Chauchat, J., & Hurther, D. (2016). A large eddy simulation Eulerian two-phase model for sheet flow sediment transport. In Thesis 2016, Two-Phase Modelling For Sediment Dynamics In Geophysical Flows. TOKYO, Japan.
Hsu, T. - J., Cheng, Z., Rafati, Y., Chauchat, J., Bateman, S. P., & Calantoni, J. (2016). An Euler-Lagrangian Numerical Study for Bed Armoring under skewed-asymmetric waves. In AGU Fall Meeting 2016. SAN FRANCISCO, CA, United States.
Maurin, R., Chauchat, J., & Frey, P. (2016). Dense granular flow rheology in turbulent bedload transport. In Thesis 2016, Two-Phase Modelling For Sediment Dynamics In Geophysical Flows. TOKYO, Japan.
Maurin, R., Chauchat, J., & Frey, P. (2016). Dense granular flow rheology in turbulent bedload transport: from particle-scale simulations to continuous modelling. In AGU Fall Meeting 2016. SAN FRANCISCO, CA, United States.
Maurin, R., Chauchat, J., & Frey, P. (2016). Granular rheology in turbulent bedload transport. In Ictam. MONTREAL, Canada.
Nagel, T., Chauchat, J., Cheng, Z., Liu, X., Hsu, T. - J., Bonamy, C., et al. (2016). Two-phase flow simulation of scour around a cylindrical pile. In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil (pp. 65–72). TOULON, France: Editions Paralia.
Negretti, M. - E., Flór, J. - B., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2016). On gravity currents over changing topography. In VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows. San Diego, United States.
Shmakova, N., Flór, J. - B., Voisin, B., Sommeria, J., & Viboud, S. (2016). High Stokes number wave focusing by a circular ridge: Internal, inertial and inertia-gravity waves. In VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows. San Diego, United States.
Shmakova, N., Viboud, S., Sommeria, J., Voisin, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2016). High Stokes number wave focusing by a circular ridge: Internal, inertial and inertia-gravity waves. In Emil Hopfinger Colloquium 2016. Grenoble, France.
Sommeria, J., Ajayi, A. - O., Raja, K. J., Staquet, C., Viboud, S., & Voisin, B. (2016). Laboratory modelling of momentum transport by internal gravity waves and eddies in the Antarctic circumpolar current. In Emil Hopfinger Colloquium 2016. Grenoble, France.
Sommeria, J., Ajayi, A. - O., Raja, K. J., Staquet, C., Viboud, S., & Voisin, B. (2016). Laboratory modelling of momentum transport by internal gravity waves and eddies in the Antarctic circumpolar current. In VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows (ISSF). San Diego, CA, United States.
Venaille, A., Gostiaux, L., & Sommeria, J. (2016). A statistical mechanics theory for mixing in stratified fluids. In VIIIth Int. Symp. on Stratified Flows. Proceedings of the VIIIth Int. Symp. on Stratified Flows. San Diego, United States.
Venaille, A., Gostiaux, L., & Sommeria, J. (2016). On mixing across a stable density interface. In Emil Hopfinger Colloquium 2016. Grenoble, France.
Voisin, B. (2016). A linear approach of internal wave focusing. In Russian-French Workshop “Mathematical Hydrodynamics”. Novosibirsk, Russia.
Voisin, B. (2016). Geometric focusing of internal waves – A linear theory. In Emil Hopfinger Colloquium 2016. Grenoble, France.
Voisin, B. (2016). Internal wave focusing by annular forcing. In 8th International Symposium on Stratified Flows. San Diego, United States.

Ph.D. Theses

Blein, S. (2016). Observation et modélisation de couche limite atmosphérique stable en relief complexe : le processus turbulent d’écoulement catabatique. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Oudart, T. (2016). Dynamique morpho-sédimentaire de littoraux sableux macrotidaux à barres intertidales : modélisation numérique et expérimentations in situ. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Rocha, M. V. L. M. D. (2016). Observation et modélisation des ondes infra-gravitaires et des non-linéarités des vagues en milieu littoral. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes ; Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) ; Université Grenoble Alpes (2016-2019), .
Shmakova, N. (2016). Ondes internes divergentes et convergentes : étude expérimentale de la marée interne. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .